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#AKMU #악뮤 #악동뮤지션 #항해 #SAILING #항해일지 #SAILING_LOG_ep2 #YG

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@pph150 5 жыл бұрын
One of the reasons that make me fall in love with both AKMU and Coldplay is that, as they mentioned in the video, they sing about some dark and real stories of life in a very bright way which makes the listeners feel hopeful and grateful for life itself.
@밋서-t1x 5 жыл бұрын
물 만난 물고기는 진짜 찬혁님 소설 읽고 들어보세요 해석하는데 좀 더 수월해지고 정말 소설 읽기 전과 다르게 들립니다ㅠ 악뮤 앨범도 사고 소설도 산 입장에서 이번 앨범 정말 너무너무 좋아요ㅠㅠ 앞으로도 악뮤가 하고픈 음악 많이 보여주었으면 좋겠어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 팬들이 보고픈 음악이 아닌 악뮤가 하고픈 음악!
@오오오렌지-f5s 5 жыл бұрын
데리야끼치킨 찬혁님 소설은 어디서 읽을 수 있어요?
@밋서-t1x 5 жыл бұрын
마로렝 ‘물 만난 물고기’라고 찬혁님이 내신 소설이 있어요! 각종 사이트나 서점에서 구매하실 수 있으실거에요!
@daily_cleanedapple 5 жыл бұрын
이거 보고 소설 샀습니다..
@peach_of_mind 5 жыл бұрын
I can't deny the fact that Chan Hyuk is an intellectual. 🙌🙌🙌 I'm looking forward to your next album and see how you and your sister grow along with your music.
@peach_of_mind 5 жыл бұрын
6:53 to 7:32
@최윤서-j6d 5 жыл бұрын
죽음이라는 소재를 다룬 노래라고 들어서 무섭다?는 생각이 있었던 것같은데 책을 읽고나니까 무섭다, 슬프다라는 생각만 생각들지는 않더라고요 이번 앨범을 이해하는데 물 만난 물고기 책은 정말 큰 역할을 한 것같아요 악뮤 화이팅하자~!~!!!
@seanpark8219 5 жыл бұрын
지금까지는 작게나마 앨범마다 세계관이 있었다면 이제부터는 앨범들을 하나의 세계관으로 묶어간다는 말인가요..... 굉장히 기대가 됩니다 ....
@아뱃 5 жыл бұрын
그냥 악뮤라서. 악뮤의 창의력과 그 놀라움, 노력이 곡 하나하나에 묻어있는 걸 알아서 좋아요. 가사가 전달하려는 메세지들에서도 악뮤만의 특색이 있어서 더 좋은 것 같습니다.
@cottonksoo5336 5 жыл бұрын
Gosh I can never listen to “fish in the water” the same again. I thought it was a happy song! 😂
@ORMang-s1r 5 жыл бұрын
와.. 물만난 물고기 별생각없이 들었을때는 이번 앨범중에 제일 밝은 노래라고 생각했었는데 저런 스토리가 있었군요..
@carrotblanket 5 жыл бұрын
I really wish they had put Fish in the Water as the title song, I personally love it so much. The official title song is a beautiful track indeed, but there is something so different about Fish that I keep coming back to it. Also I had my hands on my album today, honestly couldn't tell you how happy I am
@user-joyyy 5 жыл бұрын
앨범나왔을때 시험기간이어서 항상 전곡들으며 공부했어요 그냥 왠지 많은 감정들이 드는 노래들 이었고 저도 저나름대로 해석하면서 들으니까 들을 때마다 새롭고 전율이 느껴졌어요 덕분에 시험도 너무 잘쳐서 기분도 좋고 이젠 거의 매일 앨범 전곡을 들어요 다음 앨범도 기대할게요! 악뮤가 최고야ㅎㅎㅎ
@김돌돌-e3f 4 жыл бұрын
이번에 이 항해와 책 물만난물고기에 빠져서 읽고 들었는데 악뮤의 의도?바람?처럼 정말 맘을 크게 울리더라고요. 물만난물고기듣고 눈물이 나온적이 있는데 이게 죽음이란게 슬프긴 보다 그걸 부르는 선아와 해야의 이야기가 벅차서 그랬던거같아요. 바다로 갈 수 밖에 없던 해야와 그 해야를 바다로 인정하고 음악하는 선아가 넘 좋았어요. 다음 앨범이 목표라고하니 저는 그때까지 열심히 기다리고 몇번씩 더 읽고 들어야겠어요 !! 악뮤 파이팅팅팅 ~~
@연서서연 5 жыл бұрын
와... 아직 책은 안읽어봤지만 죽음이란 소재=침울함 무서움 이런 틀을 꺠부수는게 진짜 ㄷㄷ하다 이게 프리덤인가 난 누군가의 죽음을 보았지만 무섭지 않아 왜 무서워야해? 같은 느낌인듯 뭘 하든 멋진 악뮤 사랑해요
@콩-f3u 5 жыл бұрын
이번 앨범이 역대급으로 좋음... 말로 표현 못할정도로 좋음
@user-mogaji 5 жыл бұрын
물만난 물고기를 들으면서 괜히 눈물이 났던 게 아니네요.. 그런 이야기가 있을 줄 몰랐어요. 이 곡에 더 애정을 느끼게 되었네요. 악뮤의 성장을 항상 응원해요
@mikimamus 4 жыл бұрын
I’m so emotional and excited, AKMU are evolving every comeback, and they are having comeback soon! I’m so happy
@ansihyun. 5 жыл бұрын
아 멋진 사람들 정말 멋진 사람들 내가 생각한 것 보다 더 깊고 더 멋지고 더 내 마음을 울리시네
@dkforyou7225 5 жыл бұрын
멋지다8ㅁ8 노래를 어떤 감정으로 불러야 더 잘 표현할 수 있는지 노력하는것도 멋지고 너무 좋다 그냥 부르는게 아니라 감정을 전달하기위해 노력해주는게 너무 멋져;ㅅ;
@kennykendall2436 5 жыл бұрын
They got PAK already but hasnt won any award yet but hoping they can get soon🤞AKMU deserves to be recognize! YG RISE YG!
@hahahihi1568 5 жыл бұрын
Hope like that So sad that they dont get award
@user-ko5vf9qh2p 4 жыл бұрын
죽음이란 관념이 이런식으로도 해석될수있구나 하고 철학적으로 돌아보게 된 노래같아요. 누군가에겐 죽음이 그저 무섭고 두려운것이라면 누군가에겐 동경하고 닮고싶고 가까이가고싶은 그런것일수도 있겠구나 라는 생각을 해봤어요. 저는 이상하게 물 만난 물고기에 많은 애정이가네요.
@suapark6962 5 жыл бұрын
악뮤의 한 팬인데 진정한 팬은 악뮤의 노래가 청량한 노래든 이별과 관련된 노래이든 노래 자체가 악뮤를 잘 나타내서 좋아하는 거니까 찬혁오빠 수현언니도 이런것들에 대해 너무 고민하지 말고 자유롭게 노래해주세요!!!항상 응원할게요!💙AKMU FOREVER💙
@HangThu-tv1vw 5 жыл бұрын
I always love this sibling , they're so cute and that makes me love my sibling more
@iloveni1576 5 жыл бұрын
가사에 작사가의 생각이 담겨서 옳지 않은 생각을 가진 사람은 금방 들켜버리기 쉽상인데 악뮤는 항상 선한 영향력을 주는 것 같아서 너무 좋다.
@zeroroo 5 жыл бұрын
너무 멋있는 사람들... 성장과정을 함께 하고 있는것 같아 보는 내가 다 벅차는데 ㅜㅜ 악뮤의 무궁무진한 발전을 정말 응원해요
@ghast5623 5 жыл бұрын
와 진짜 둘다 성장했구나 특히 수현이 캬ㅑ~ 먹잇감 머 없을까하는 기레기들자리에서 똑소리나게 그리고 진심담아 마지막인샤 인사하는게 넘 대견ㅎ
@Cielo221 5 жыл бұрын
그 전에 있던 어두운 노래들도 물 만난 물고기도 전혀 어둡게 생각하지 않았어요. 오히려 솔직해서 너무 좋았어요. 악뮤 노래를 나올 때마다 해석하기 재미가 있어서 항상 기대하고 있어요. 저는 한국어를 배우고 있는 외국인이지만 악뮤 노래 가사가 한국어만의 아름다움을 정말 잘 편현한 것 같아요. 덕분에 제가 한국어 배움에도 도움을 많이 줬어요. 이번에 소설을 도전해볼게요💪🏻
@이지우-z3i 5 жыл бұрын
혹시 실례가될수있지만 외국분이세요?
@Cielo221 5 жыл бұрын
Black블랙 네, 저는 중국계 말레이시아인입니다
@dkforyou7225 5 жыл бұрын
노래 수록곡들과 타이틀곡을 소설쓰듯이 쓰다니 멋져..☆
@김소현-m8i7t 5 жыл бұрын
이번 항해 앨범은 호불호가 안갈리는거 같아요 진짜로 너무 좋아요...
@yuyu4006 5 жыл бұрын
진짜 종나 멋지다
@_bluesoccer 5 жыл бұрын
악뮤 사랑해ㅠㅠ 동시대에 태어나서 악뮤 노래를 들을 수 있고 공감할 수 있음에 감사해😭💙
@HangThu-tv1vw 5 жыл бұрын
Love you AKMU, hope you will get the best award for your hard working time
@musiclife164 5 жыл бұрын
What do they mean Melted doesn't make you feel depressed? I still cry whenever I listen to Melted and watch the MV
@kku0428 5 жыл бұрын
새로움과 큰 위로, 묘한 감정들을 경험하게 했던 신선한 곡들, 그게 악뮤만의 매력이고 색임을 분명히 나타낼 수 있어서 더 기다렸고 기대했고 애착이 갑니다 악뮤를 그저 좋아하던 리스너에서 팬으로 나아간 느낌
@민득이의쫀득한생활 5 жыл бұрын
이 노래 들으면서 다른건 못하겠고 노래에만 집중하고싶어지는 이유가 있었구나..
@tjdmsadad 5 жыл бұрын
그냥 악뮤가 최고야 이런 노래 들을수 있는게 그저 행복해ㅜㅜ
@fusi_dy7072 5 жыл бұрын
gawd these logs are so well put-together... i cant wait for the subs
@오늘부터-e5p 5 жыл бұрын
첨에는 그냥 노래 좋네~ 했는데 들으면 들을 수록 매력 넘치는 악뮤 크~
@P_JH714 5 жыл бұрын
@hahahihi1568 5 жыл бұрын
Suhyun voice so good
@akdongba 5 жыл бұрын
어떻게 성장해도 다 사랑해줄 수 있어요
@지윤-b7j 5 жыл бұрын
악뮤 흥해라 ㅠㅠ
@freedom7393 5 жыл бұрын
아 그래서 물만난 물고기만 들으면 '물고기처럼 떠나야했네' 부분에서 좀 울컥했구나....
@dkforyou7225 5 жыл бұрын
그냥 악뮤자체가 멋져 슈퍼울트라캡짱;ㅅ; 알라뷰
@민윤현-e2r 5 жыл бұрын
진짜... 천재같아... 죽음이 그에게 있어서 부정적이지 않다는 소리는 문학에서 많이 들은 것 같은데 그 말을 찬혁이에게 들으니.. 와.. 싶고.. 앞으로도 너무너무 기대되고 진짜 앨범 너무 좋아요 사랑합니다
@sa-lam 5 жыл бұрын
악뮤는 사랑입니다
@토치 5 жыл бұрын
하.. 큰일났다 매 앨범 낼때마다 기대가 커져간다..
@바나나쿠키초코 4 жыл бұрын
찬혁이는 천재얏 ㅠㅠ
@deepseaandsnow 5 жыл бұрын
죽음이라는 소재가 들어간 줄은 몰랐네요. 찬혁군이 생각보다 더 깊은 마음을 가지고 있고 참 어른이라는 생각이 들어요 놀랐답니다
@sooohyamin 5 жыл бұрын
I don't understand what they talking about but I still watch it because it's AKMU, I will re-watch it when they release a English Subtitle💙
@Mmm-ki8bg 5 жыл бұрын
I just translated it!! ** [ SUBTITLES ] ** * S as Suhyun, C as Chanhyuk - Sailing log Ep.2 - A fish on water - S : From this album, I can't describe it with words, but I definitely got to know how to sing a song with my interpretation. C : My past 3 years and my early 20s. These were mixed up and fully squeezed into this album. - Immersion about the song itself? S : Yes, it's an amazing experience for me too. Each song has an accurate picture crossing my mind. C : I couldn't sleep. From 5 o' clock, I woke up by one hour. 5 am to 6'45, then on few minutes after 7 am. I don't know if I was nervous or looking forward, or curious about people's reactions. (music) Press1 : Aren't you nervous about the meeting? S : I think my heart BPM rate is extremely normal right now. When'll I be nervous? There's a moment when you're suddenly nervous, but I don't think it's the moment yet. MC : We'll now officially start to talk deeply about music with AKMU. AKMU will enter. Press 2 : I want to ask two questions, it might be sad album for fans who expected clear music. How do AKMU want fans to hear as much as the color(genre) of music has been changed. Press 3: Suhyun did the arrangement for the 9th song (Farewell). Tell us about the progress. Press 4 : You've released book along with album. I've seen the book for a moment and thought it's a bit autobiographical story. What's the reason you realeased the book together and was there any special motivations? S : The reason I arranged was the song gave me a big echo to my heart. So I thought ' Oh, this song'd be my favorite!'. As a practice, I made a demo version of this song. Also practicing guitar... S : The reason I arranged was the song gave me a big echo to my heart. So I thought ' Oh, this song'd be my favorite!'. As a practice, I made a demo version of this song. Just practicing guitar... -Today's arranger is Suhyun? S : Oh! That's right! Person who arranged brother's song, feels so different. Always, oh.. that's right.. After arranging, it's really amazing, embarassing, and also really happy. Each song has an accurate picture crossing my mind. When I think of , there's a house I made. Very warm, sunny spot, old books. I think you're singing the moment when you're trying to come out of this place after a long time. These scenes, my position, and the temperature of the picture. This album has all those pictures like this. Until , I had a hard time. What emotion should I sing with? I thought like these; 'How should I sing it? I can't go too deeply.' 'How should I really do with this?' But from this album, I can't describe it with words but definitely got to know how to sing a song with my interpretation. Before, I used to put my voice on everything brother made. Now, a song with brother's interpretation and my interpretation met together and mixed up well. I kind of removed the heaviness of those parts. - What was the most driving force to your album? C : . I made first. Then the song itself would be hard for people to interpret the meanings, so I wrote the book. You might feel repulsion to this story. Because anyway it has the topic death, and wrote the book with the theme death. If I personify the songs, is the supervisor,
@nelareisa1486 4 жыл бұрын
Akmu love you
@Mmm-ki8bg 5 жыл бұрын
** [ SUBTITLES ] ** * S as Suhyun, C as Chanhyuk - Sailing log Ep.2 - A fish on water - S : From this album, I can't describe it with words, but I definitely got to know how to sing a song with my interpretation. C : My past 3 years and my early 20s. These were mixed up and fully squeezed into this album. - Immersion about the song itself? S : Yes, it's an amazing experience for me too. Each song has an accurate picture crossing my mind. C : I couldn't sleep. From 5 o' clock, I woke up by one hour. 5 am to 6'45, then on few minutes after 7 am. I don't know if I was nervous or looking forward, or curious about people's reactions. (music) Press1 : Aren't you nervous about the meeting? S : I think my heart BPM rate is extremely normal right now. When'll I be nervous? There's a moment when you're suddenly nervous, but I don't think it's the moment yet. MC : We'll now officially start to talk deeply about music with AKMU. AKMU will enter. Press 2 : I want to ask two questions, it might be sad album for fans who expected clear music. How do AKMU want fans to hear as much as the color(genre) of music has been changed. Press 3: Suhyun did the arrangement for the 9th song (Farewell). Tell us about the progress. Press 4 : You've released book along with album. I've seen the book for a moment and thought it's a bit autobiographical story. What's the reason you realeased the book together and was there any special motivations? S : The reason I arranged was the song gave me a big echo to my heart. So I thought ' Oh, this song'd be my favorite!'. As a practice, I made a demo version of this song. Also practicing guitar... S : The reason I arranged was the song gave me a big echo to my heart. So I thought ' Oh, this song'd be my favorite!'. As a practice, I made a demo version of this song. Just practicing guitar... -Today's arranger is Suhyun? S : Oh! That's right! Person who arranged brother's song, feels so different. Always, oh.. that's right.. After arranging, it's really amazing, embarassing, and also really happy. Each song has an accurate picture crossing my mind. When I think of , there's a house I made. Very warm, sunny spot, old books. I think you're singing the moment when you're trying to come out of this place after a long time. These scenes, my position, and the temperature of the picture. This album has all those pictures like this. Until , I had a hard time. What emotion should I sing with? I thought like these; 'How should I sing it? I can't go too deeply.' 'How should I really do with this?' But from this album, I can't describe it with words but definitely got to know how to sing a song with my interpretation. Before, I used to put my voice on everything brother made. Now, a song with brother's interpretation and my interpretation met together and mixed up well. I kind of removed the heaviness of those parts. - What was the most driving force to your album? C : . I made first. Then the song itself would be hard for people to interpret the meanings, so I wrote the book. You might feel repulsion to this story. Because anyway it has the topic death, and wrote the book with the theme death. If I personify the songs, is the supervisor,
@Paypayy213 5 жыл бұрын
Thankyou for translating 😊
@Paypayy213 5 жыл бұрын
@최미란-d1q 5 жыл бұрын
점점 성장해나아가는 악뮤...항상 응원하고 있어요! 정말 좋아해요! ㅎㅎ😊❤ 수현언니의 독특한 목소리와 찬혁오빠의 독창적이고 창의적인 곡들을 너무 좋아하고 있어요!
@응애빈 5 жыл бұрын
알람 울리㉶ 마㉶ 왔어요ㅠㅠㅠ악뮤ㅠ 진짜 사랑해요ㅠㅠ❤️❤️
@eee7963 5 жыл бұрын
@alwaysthankyou5475 5 жыл бұрын
악뮤가 뭘 하던 수현님과 찬혁님이 하기에 자체가 좋기에 그냥 행복 비타민
@husbandsangyoon 5 жыл бұрын
꽃길만 걸어요 악뮤
@우수현-f9n 5 жыл бұрын
악뮤 짱!!!
@imsoluckydog8976 5 жыл бұрын
진짜 대단하다...
@Min-uf3yy 5 жыл бұрын
수현 누나이뻐요 매력있어
@양선하-b1f 5 жыл бұрын
악뮤는 천재야
@anneominous655 5 жыл бұрын
단순히 최고! 또한 한국어를 배울 수있는 인센티브
@요미-h4k 5 жыл бұрын
악뮤 노래는 항상 멋진것같아요!!! (물론 이번 앨범도요!) 다 악뮤가 노력해서 그런게 아닐까요...?
@최고나-u6f 5 жыл бұрын
@whatmeansteume 5 жыл бұрын
Please come to the Philippines 🇵🇭
@brilliantrose7793 4 жыл бұрын
"Live as we sing and what we say."
@ibgandyguzma7078 5 жыл бұрын
Their songs are BEAUTIFUL guys, they deserve more recognition, they're great!!
@모르겠다는거야 5 жыл бұрын
진짜 좋다...ㅠㅠ
@imocatv7469 5 жыл бұрын
Good job guyssss.. ur songs are very beautiful💙
@다미튼튼 2 жыл бұрын
@krystalline5282 5 жыл бұрын
Glad that there's Eng subs now
@goojaehee1016 5 жыл бұрын
I love you guys!💓
@뇽용-u1g 3 жыл бұрын
6:27. Core philosophy of AKMUsic 6:47 crazy cute dance of AKMU
@jw9588 5 жыл бұрын
물 만나 물고기의 내용이 그랑블루라는 영화에서 비슷하게 나온것 같은데 뭔가 이렇게 신나는 것 같은 노래에 이런 이야기가 담겨져 있다는게 놀랍고 새롭다...
@sakurasan4941 5 жыл бұрын
Chanhyuk 😍😍😍😍😍😍
@anachamcham9653 5 жыл бұрын
@karoblink9708 5 жыл бұрын
Hello AKMU!!!💕❤️ #FROMPERÚ❤️
@Ariana-sy7ci 5 жыл бұрын
learning Korean would be useful right now
@Wirara_ 5 жыл бұрын
Me as international fans : "Where the subtitle???"
@하민-v2p 5 жыл бұрын
@Mmm-ki8bg 5 жыл бұрын
** [ SUBTITLES ] ** * S as Suhyun, C as Chanhyuk - Sailing log Ep.2 - A fish on water - S : From this album, I can't describe it with words, but I definitely got to know how to sing a song with my interpretation. C : My past 3 years and my early 20s. These were mixed up and fully squeezed into this album. - Immersion about the song itself? S : Yes, it's an amazing experience for me too. Each song has an accurate picture crossing my mind. C : I couldn't sleep. From 5 o' clock, I woke up by one hour. 5 am to 6'45, then on few minutes after 7 am. I don't know if I was nervous or looking forward, or curious about people's reactions. (music) Press1 : Aren't you nervous about the meeting? S : I think my heart BPM rate is extremely normal right now. When'll I be nervous? There's a moment when you're suddenly nervous, but I don't think it's the moment yet. MC : We'll now officially start to talk deeply about music with AKMU. AKMU will enter. Press 2 : I want to ask two questions, it might be sad album for fans who expected clear music. How do AKMU want fans to hear as much as the color(genre) of music has been changed. Press 3: Suhyun did the arrangement for the 9th song (Farewell). Tell us about the progress. Press 4 : You've released book along with album. I've seen the book for a moment and thought it's a bit autobiographical story. What's the reason you realeased the book together and was there any special motivations? S : The reason I arranged was the song gave me a big echo to my heart. So I thought ' Oh, this song'd be my favorite!'. As a practice, I made a demo version of this song. Also practicing guitar... S : The reason I arranged was the song gave me a big echo to my heart. So I thought ' Oh, this song'd be my favorite!'. As a practice, I made a demo version of this song. Just practicing guitar... -Today's arranger is Suhyun? S : Oh! That's right! Person who arranged brother's song, feels so different. Always, oh.. that's right.. After arranging, it's really amazing, embarassing, and also really happy. Each song has an accurate picture crossing my mind. When I think of , there's a house I made. Very warm, sunny spot, old books. I think you're singing the moment when you're trying to come out of this place after a long time. These scenes, my position, and the temperature of the picture. This album has all those pictures like this. Until , I had a hard time. What emotion should I sing with? I thought like these; 'How should I sing it? I can't go too deeply.' 'How should I really do with this?' But from this album, I can't describe it with words but definitely got to know how to sing a song with my interpretation. Before, I used to put my voice on everything brother made. Now, a song with brother's interpretation and my interpretation met together and mixed up well. I kind of removed the heaviness of those parts. - What was the most driving force to your album? C : . I made first. Then the song itself would be hard for people to interpret the meanings, so I wrote the book. You might feel repulsion to this story. Because anyway it has the topic death, and wrote the book with the theme death. If I personify the songs, is the supervisor,
@israsaleh 5 жыл бұрын
If you read Japanese then fam's got you If not . . . Well we have this comment
@israsaleh 5 жыл бұрын
@@Mmm-ki8bg please post this as a separate comment so more international readers can find it
@DennisPark2220 5 жыл бұрын
Isra Saleh Why did you say that "japanese"? It's korean.
@maisaayu5459 3 жыл бұрын
@primaveraI 5 жыл бұрын
Literally was watching an AKMU mv and got the notification lol
@narakimnara5273 5 жыл бұрын
فايتنغ 💙
@jtrinidadsolis8105 5 жыл бұрын
Echar i lo ve is akmu
@chosarah6148 5 жыл бұрын
물 만난 물고기에서 바다로 들어가는 친구는, 죽는 것이 아니라 다른 삶을 시작하는 거겠네요. 자신이 더 동경하는 삶?
@karoledith7145 5 жыл бұрын
No entiendo nada pero déjenme decirles que los quiero mucho¡¡ sus canciones tocan mi corazón , es un sentimiento muy cálido .Gracias y saludos desde PERÚ.
@hsy6556 5 жыл бұрын
@준성-b6m 5 жыл бұрын
@여나채-w6b 5 жыл бұрын
@거주인-b5w 5 жыл бұрын
비록 스피커가 고장나도 마음의 소리로 듣겠다
@that_sam_94 5 жыл бұрын
love these songs! proud of them!
@sanam10312 5 жыл бұрын
احبكم 🥺💙
@floatinginuniverse_ 5 жыл бұрын
@omomifanai4049 5 жыл бұрын
Dont know what they are saying but still watching
@시골강아지-n2r 5 жыл бұрын
눈물나는 이유좀...
@yanigonzalez8521 5 жыл бұрын
Son unos bebes los amo demaciado❤❤❤
@징짱이최고시다-p3q 5 жыл бұрын
@shemight526 5 жыл бұрын
When it's akmu, i click like before I could even watch the video 'cause I know it would be perf. BUT WHERE IS THE SUBS?
@Mmm-ki8bg 5 жыл бұрын
Hi I just translated it! ** [ SUBTITLES ] ** * S as Suhyun, C as Chanhyuk - Sailing log Ep.2 - A fish on water - S : From this album, I can't describe it with words, but I definitely got to know how to sing a song with my interpretation. C : My past 3 years and my early 20s. These were mixed up and fully squeezed into this album. - Immersion about the song itself? S : Yes, it's an amazing experience for me too. Each song has an accurate picture crossing my mind. C : I couldn't sleep. From 5 o' clock, I woke up by one hour. 5 am to 6'45, then on few minutes after 7 am. I don't know if I was nervous or looking forward, or curious about people's reactions. (music) Press1 : Aren't you nervous about the meeting? S : I think my heart BPM rate is extremely normal right now. When'll I be nervous? There's a moment when you're suddenly nervous, but I don't think it's the moment yet. MC : We'll now officially start to talk deeply about music with AKMU. AKMU will enter. Press 2 : I want to ask two questions, it might be sad album for fans who expected clear music. How do AKMU want fans to hear as much as the color(genre) of music has been changed. Press 3: Suhyun did the arrangement for the 9th song (Farewell). Tell us about the progress. Press 4 : You've released book along with album. I've seen the book for a moment and thought it's a bit autobiographical story. What's the reason you realeased the book together and was there any special motivations? S : The reason I arranged was the song gave me a big echo to my heart. So I thought ' Oh, this song'd be my favorite!'. As a practice, I made a demo version of this song. Also practicing guitar... S : The reason I arranged was the song gave me a big echo to my heart. So I thought ' Oh, this song'd be my favorite!'. As a practice, I made a demo version of this song. Just practicing guitar... -Today's arranger is Suhyun? S : Oh! That's right! Person who arranged brother's song, feels so different. Always, oh.. that's right.. After arranging, it's really amazing, embarassing, and also really happy. Each song has an accurate picture crossing my mind. When I think of , there's a house I made. Very warm, sunny spot, old books. I think you're singing the moment when you're trying to come out of this place after a long time. These scenes, my position, and the temperature of the picture. This album has all those pictures like this. Until , I had a hard time. What emotion should I sing with? I thought like these; 'How should I sing it? I can't go too deeply.' 'How should I really do with this?' But from this album, I can't describe it with words but definitely got to know how to sing a song with my interpretation. Before, I used to put my voice on everything brother made. Now, a song with brother's interpretation and my interpretation met together and mixed up well. I kind of removed the heaviness of those parts. - What was the most driving force to your album? C : . I made first. Then the song itself would be hard for people to interpret the meanings, so I wrote the book. You might feel repulsion to this story. Because anyway it has the topic death, and wrote the book with the theme death. If I personify the songs, is the supervisor,
@shemight526 5 жыл бұрын
@@Mmm-ki8bg omggg thank you! ❤❤❤
@Koe_Haru 5 жыл бұрын
Please put on Eng subtitle. AKMU has a lot of international fans too.
@fina7069 5 жыл бұрын
Like meh
@Mmm-ki8bg 5 жыл бұрын
Translated it!! ** [ SUBTITLES ] ** * S as Suhyun, C as Chanhyuk - Sailing log Ep.2 - A fish on water - S : From this album, I can't describe it with words, but I definitely got to know how to sing a song with my interpretation. C : My past 3 years and my early 20s. These were mixed up and fully squeezed into this album. - Immersion about the song itself? S : Yes, it's an amazing experience for me too. Each song has an accurate picture crossing my mind. C : I couldn't sleep. From 5 o' clock, I woke up by one hour. 5 am to 6'45, then on few minutes after 7 am. I don't know if I was nervous or looking forward, or curious about people's reactions. (music) Press1 : Aren't you nervous about the meeting? S : I think my heart BPM rate is extremely normal right now. When'll I be nervous? There's a moment when you're suddenly nervous, but I don't think it's the moment yet. MC : We'll now officially start to talk deeply about music with AKMU. AKMU will enter. Press 2 : I want to ask two questions, it might be sad album for fans who expected clear music. How do AKMU want fans to hear as much as the color(genre) of music has been changed. Press 3: Suhyun did the arrangement for the 9th song (Farewell). Tell us about the progress. Press 4 : You've released book along with album. I've seen the book for a moment and thought it's a bit autobiographical story. What's the reason you realeased the book together and was there any special motivations? S : The reason I arranged was the song gave me a big echo to my heart. So I thought ' Oh, this song'd be my favorite!'. As a practice, I made a demo version of this song. Also practicing guitar... S : The reason I arranged was the song gave me a big echo to my heart. So I thought ' Oh, this song'd be my favorite!'. As a practice, I made a demo version of this song. Just practicing guitar... -Today's arranger is Suhyun? S : Oh! That's right! Person who arranged brother's song, feels so different. Always, oh.. that's right.. After arranging, it's really amazing, embarassing, and also really happy. Each song has an accurate picture crossing my mind. When I think of , there's a house I made. Very warm, sunny spot, old books. I think you're singing the moment when you're trying to come out of this place after a long time. These scenes, my position, and the temperature of the picture. This album has all those pictures like this. Until , I had a hard time. What emotion should I sing with? I thought like these; 'How should I sing it? I can't go too deeply.' 'How should I really do with this?' But from this album, I can't describe it with words but definitely got to know how to sing a song with my interpretation. Before, I used to put my voice on everything brother made. Now, a song with brother's interpretation and my interpretation met together and mixed up well. I kind of removed the heaviness of those parts. - What was the most driving force to your album? C : . I made first. Then the song itself would be hard for people to interpret the meanings, so I wrote the book. You might feel repulsion to this story. Because anyway it has the topic death, and wrote the book with the theme death. If I personify the songs, is the supervisor,
@flordanielabeltran8177 5 жыл бұрын
Los adoro
@icharahmawati 5 жыл бұрын
So then can we have that chanyuk novel in different languages??
@신건표-h5m 5 жыл бұрын
물 만난 물고기 소설 보신분 있나요 이번 앨범 말고 숨어있는 작은별 초록창가 집에 돌아오는길 얼음들MV의 하얀 아저씨 는 찾았는데 더 못찾은게 있다면 알려주실 수 있는분있나요
@6HHI 5 жыл бұрын
집에 돌아오는 길이랑 얼음들 뮤비의 하얀 아저씨는 뭔가요???
@신건표-h5m 5 жыл бұрын
@@6HHI 챕터 freedom에서 길건널때 해야가 한말이 집에 돌아오는길 가사구 얼음들MV는 공원의 흰색 분을 칠한 신사아저씨?라고 표현되요 얼음들 뮤비에 공원에 있는 동상같은 아저씨가 있어서 그렇게 해석했어요 이번 앨범 노래중 챕터에 없는 거는 작중에 다 나왔어여! 밤 끝없는 밤 시간을 갖자 더 사랑해줄걸 이 언급되거나 가사가 나왔어요
@6HHI 5 жыл бұрын
@@신건표-h5m 아 헐 다시 또 읽어야겟어요ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 알려주셔서 감사합니다
@담짱 5 жыл бұрын
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